As a small family-run business, we are looking to create relationships and connections with other coffee importers and roasters. Jose Mendoza, company president, often states that our company is a “single bean, from my family to yours.” Mendoza explains, “We are pleased to represent the farmer and processing facilities as a co-sponsor of the Seed-To-Cup educational display. It is important for us to recognize that our cups of coffee originate from a farm. This is a crop that is nurtured by the farmer and then picked by hand and processed in a wet mill and dry mill before being shipped. We hope baristas will be inspired to include the farm in their descriptions of coffee with their customers.”
Our offices are located in Mandeville, Louisiana and San Pedro Sula, Honduras. Please visit our website, Facebook, or Instagram for additional information on our company and on the six unique coffee growing regions in Honduras.
Cafe De Mi Pueblo International
Sara Parker
[email protected]